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Bluestar Silicones is now Elkem Silicones

Our name has changed, but our strategy hasn't. Two years after Bluestar Silicones merged with Elkem, China National Bluestar's Norwegian subsidiary, the new entity has been united under a new name, Elkem Silicones.

Noticias 31.10.2015

An unchanged profitable growth strategy

The name change expresses our ambition, shared and supported by our people in France, China, and Norway. We are now all working together under the same banner, dedicated to strengthening our company's profitable growth strategy by serving customers around the globe.

Watch the interview of Frédéric Jacquin, Elkem Silicones Senior Vice President  

The new chapter in our company's history

Our shareholder, China National Bluestar, has invested massively in our company since 2007, bolstering our drive to become a global leader in the silicones market. Simultaneously, we have developed a sister plant in China that benefits from our technology and know-how.

In 2011, to integrate and consolidate the supply of our main raw material, Bluestar acquired Elkem of Norway, one of the world's leading silicon metal companies.

Our name change is the latest chapter of our history. A way to reinforce our identity: a team of professionals, powered by passion, bringing agile and innovative solutions to our customers.

A buoyant market

Today's market conditions will drive our business going forward. The silicones industry is generating some fundamental changes that will provide numerous opportunities for growth.

Our company will leverage several of our key strengths to reach its growth targets:

  • Increased production capacity with our plant in China and greater access to markets in Asia
  • A strong culture of continuous improvement, led by our people in Norway, that will drive ever greater product reliability and quality
  • The continuation of our commitment to innovation and our uncompromising customer focus, the pillars of our company since its foundation in 1953.

Our ambitious targets

  1. Ensure that we fully deploy our unique identity, to continue to grow our business with our existing customer base.
  2. Enter new markets geared to generating greater energy efficiency, clean cars, better medical solutions, and a safer and more productive oil and gas industry.

-> Our medium-term goal: to become one of the world's three leading silicones companies.

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