- Elkem
- À propos d'Elkem
- Gouvernement d’entreprise
- Governing documents and tools
Governing documents and tools
Elkem has dedicated governing documents and a number of tools to ensure that our organisation understands our priorities and requirements in the areas of sustainability and social responsibility.
Everyone in Elkem is enabled to comply with these policies and tools. Moreover, we report on our sustainability efforts annually, documenting activities and results.
Read our Articles of association here

Elkem Business System (EBS)
Elkem Business System (EBS) is the fundament for how the organisation works to reach our goals, and to achieve continuous improvement in all parts of the value chain. One important principle in EBS is to eliminate waste through utilising raw materials and energy. All to secure a sustainable future for the company.
Elkem's HSE management system (FORUS)
FORUS is Elkem’s programme for health, safety and environment.
Elkem works systematically to achieve our vision of zero injuries and occupational illnesses.
Reports are prepared for each business area every month. The reports include an overview of undesired incidents and near-accidents, as well as lessons to prevent similar incidents in the future.
Our HSE policy also covers the environmental topics related to ESG and sustainability.
Download the HSE policy here
Code of conduct
The Code of conduct is one of the building blocks of the Elkem culture; it defines who we are and how we conduct business. It provides a framework for what we regard as responsible conduct but is not exhaustive. Any person acting on Elkem’s behalf is expected to strive to exercise good judgment, care, and consideration in their service for Elkem, and comply with the spirit and intent of the Code of conduct.
Download our Code of conduct here.
People policy
The purpose of the People Policy is to establish the principles related to the management of people in Elkem, and to define the roles and responsibilities across the organisation. The purpose is also to ensure that business units within Elkem adhere to standardised group HR procedures.
Download the people policy here
Modern slavery act statement
Elkem supports and respects internationally proclaimed human and labour rights and is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. Elkem reports annually on the steps taken yearly to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in our business nor in our supply chains in accordance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Download our most recent Modern Slavery Act here.
Speak up channel
Elkem has a Compliance Reporting System, “Speak up”, that employees and external stakeholders can use to note their concerns about possible breaches of Elkern's ethical guidelines or other possible unethical or illegal actions.
You can access the Speak up channel here.
Anti-corruption program
Corruption prevents economic development, distorts competition and undermines both the rule of law and democratic processes. Elkem does not permit or tolerate engagement in any form of corruption.
Elkem’s efforts to prevent, detect and respond to all forms of corruption are described in various governing documents. In sum these policies, procedures, including requirements, and tools form the Anti-Corruption compliance program
Download the Anti-corruption compliance program here.
Antitrust and fair competition
In Elkem, we are committed to fair and open competition and conduct our business in accordance with applicable antitrust laws. As a European company, we take the principles of EU antitrust law as a baseline but follow all applicable rules in the markets in which we operate.
Our Competition law compliance procedure provides instructions to employees on how to ensure compliance with applicable antitrust rules.
Elkem’s risk management instruction
Elkem’s risk management instructions emphasises all types of risk that can affect the business. The purpose of the instructions is to ensure a systematic approach to risk management within Elkem.
Risk management shall ensure that the risks which are relevant to Elkem’s goals are surveyed, analysed and handled at an early stage, and in a systematic and cost-efficient manner.
Elkem’s experience indicates that investment in proactive risk-reducing measure carries lower costs than reacting retroactively.
Elkem's supplier requirements
Elkem’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners is based upon internationally recognised standards, focusing on ethical and legally compliant business practices, human rights, worker’s rights and environmental protection, and shall be included in all new contracts with Elkem’s Business Partners, defined as suppliers, distributors, agents, resellers and joint venture partners.
The Code of conduct for business partners can be downloaded here.
General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Procurement
Elkem's General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Procurement are available below. In case of discrepancies between the different versions, the English version shall prevail.
Elkem's tax strategy
Elkem is fully committed to complying with tax laws in each jurisdiction in which we operate.
Our approach to tax is based on transparency. Elkem cooperate closely with tax authorities to ensure full compliance.
Elkem’s tax strategy is outlined below in accordance with our duty under Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016. You can read more about our approach to tax here.
Elkem invoicing information
Here you find Elkem's invoice rules and a list of invoice addresses.
Please use one of the following two methods when sending invoices to Elkem:
Elkem is registered in ELMA/Peppol and can therefore receive invoices electronically. This is our preferred method for reception of invoices.
Elkem can receive invoices by e-mail.
Please use PDF format with only one invoice, and attachments if required, per PDF
* If no other option is available, invoices can be sent by post
See the table Elkem Entities for EDI-addresses and e-mail addresses.
What is EDI?
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is an electronic exchange of business documents. There are several EDI standards in use today, including EHF, ANSI, EDIFACT and ebXML – whereas EHF (Elektronisk HandelsFormat) is the most common in Norway. Elkem can receive all types of EDI standards.
Invoice requirements
Please note that invoices must contain a reference person (first- and surname) or a purchase order number.
Shipments ordered via KSD must state the corresponding shipment number (SHPxxxxxxx-x) on the invoice.
When sending invoices electronically, please state the purchase order number with numbers only (exclude PO in front of the number).
Furthermore, it’s important to always include:
- Invoice number
- Invoice date
- Due date
- Bank information ◦Account number/IBAN, SWIFT, account holder, bank address.
- Buyer’s VAT registration number
- Invoice amount
- VAT amount (if any)
- Currency
- Country of origin and delivery
- Specification of goods or services
- Your company name, address and VAT registration number
Incomplete or incorrect invoices will be returned to sender.