- Elkem
- À propos d'Elkem
- Direction générale et conseil d’administration
- Nathalie Brunelle
Nathalie Brunelle
Board member (independent)

Key experience: Ms. Nathalie Brunelle is a senior executive at TotalEnergies, an international multi-energy company based in Paris. She has more than 20 years experience in the petrochemicals industry, where she has developed skills in operations, business strategy, innovation & technology.
She has been a member of the Refining & Chemicals Division management committee and has recently led a project for the creation of a new Innovation & Research center dedicated to low-carbon energies.
She is a graduate from the Ecole Polytechnique in France (engineering degree) and the international course "Advanced Technology in Petrochemicals, Polymers & Plastics" at IFP school (Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles, France) and Mc Gill university (Montreal, Canada).
Ms. Nathalie Brunelle has been a board member since 2022 and is elected for a period of two years, with effect from 18 April 2024.
Other directorships: Board director for EPC (Explosifs et Produits Chimiques), ENSTA Paris, IFP school
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