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Informations pour les analystes


Contact information

Martin Melby from ABG Sundal Collier

[email protected]

+47 22 01 61 37

Sebastian Satz from Citi

[email protected]

+44 203 5693 662 

Niclas Gehin from DNB Markets

[email protected]

+47 24 16 91 98

Jonathan Chung from Morgan Stanley

[email protected]

+44 20 7425-2274   

Hans-Erik Jacobsen from Nordea Markets

[email protected]

+47 24 01 53 89

Gard A. Aarvik from Pareto Securities AS

[email protected]

+47 24 13 21 72

Magnus M Rasmussen from SEB

[email protected]

+47 21 01 50 07

Ole-Petter Sjovold from SpareBank 1 Markets

[email protected]

+47 24 13 37 72

Aucun analyste n’est payé par l’entreprise elle-même. 

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