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Silica fume for fiber cement

Silica fume, also known as microsilica, is used to enhance the properties of fiber cement – and ever since the 1980s, we’ve been diversifying our microsilica portfolio to better help our customers.

The role of microsilica in fiber cement

Microsilica is commonly used in the production of fibre cement. Elkem MICROSILICA® acts as an interactive filler and a highly reactive pozzolanic ingredient in fibre cement recipes.

In the wet recipe, the addition of Elkem MICROSILICA® improves the dispersion of cement grains and fibers, boosting their efficiency and at the same time surrounding individual particles with an improved matrix. Once cement hydration reaction starts, Elkem MICROSILICA® interacts with the free lime released to create additional high strength binder that locks the added fibers in place and protects them, thus improving the overall durability of the final product. Fiber cement products containing Elkem MICROSILICA® exhibit improved overall durability, particularly with regard to permeability, strength, chemical and impact resistance.

Silicon-based materials for construction


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 920 is a dry silica fume powder used as a filler and reactive pozzolan in construction materials, to improve fire performance and overall durability, available in two forms, Undensified (U) and Densified (D).

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 940 is a dry silica fume powder. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications

EMSAC® 500

EMSAC® 500 is an aqueous suspension of ELKEM MICROSILICA®. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications



ELKEM MICROSILICA® Slurry (EMSAC® 500E), an aqueous suspension of microsilica compliant with EN 13263.
Product data sheet slurry concrete applications


MICROWHITE®, a high purity microsilica for construction applications featuring purity, consistent properties and lightness of color.
Product data sheet microwhite concrete applications


GROUTAID® is a specially formulated additive to increase the efficiency of injection grouting by improving both flowability and hardening for injection into soils and cracks in concrete and stone.
Product data sheet groutaid applications

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Innovation, flexibility and sustainability

Elkem MICROSILICA®, the original and market-leading silica fume product, was introduced in the early 1980s and has constantly been improved and diversified to produce new and innovative products for a sustainable fibre cement industry.

Elkem works collaboratively with customers to determine their evolving needs, driving our R&D together with them and working with experts in leading academic and research institutes to find solutions for more efficient and sustainable fibre cement production. This collaborative approach enables us to constantly innovate and meet new operational needs, while complying with changing regulatory requirements.

Elkem continues to move toward more renewable energies that generate less carbon. Elkem has committed more widely to sustainability with an ongoing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy that is regularly reviewed, updated and implemented.

A safe and efficient additive for asbestos-free fiber cement 

In the late 19th century, an Austrian scientist, Ludwig Hatschek, had the ingenious idea of creating a mix of 90% cement and 10% asbestos fibres that was then run through a paper-making machine to create a revolutionary new building material, fiber cement.

Unfortunately, it became apparent in the middle of the 20th century that the asbestos fibres used in these materials were dangerous if inhaled. It attacks the lungs, causing illness and sometimes death.

For many years, researchers looked for viable alternatives to asbestos fibres. In the 1980s, Elkem developed an additive based on silica fume, which enabled the safe production of fiber cement using the high-strength Elkem MICROSILICA® binder.


To learn more about Elkem MICROSILICA® fiber cement, watch our video:

The history of microsilica and its properties


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