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Silica fume for gypsum board

Use of silica fume (microsilica) overcomes the issue of heat-induced cracking in interior gypsum board, by adjusting the particle packing of the plaster.

Gypsum board: An efficient end-to-end solution for interior surfaces

Gypsum board – also referred to as drywall, wallboard or plaster board – has become the most convenient and widely used material for interior wall and ceiling coverings. These practical gypsum panels have replaced traditional plastering for several reasons:

  • No need for mixing on site and ease of application and finishing
  • Faster installation
  • Customizable to integrate various components to provide greater strength, waterproofing and higher fire resistance.

Silica fume vastly improves the fire resistance of gypsum board

Since 1980, under the Elkem MICROSILICA®​ brand, Elkem has developed a range of innovative silica fume powders and slurries designed to improve the performance of gypsum boards. This is achieved through the optimization of the physical particle packing of the plaster mixture.

Elkem MICROSILICA® delays the shrinkage that occurs in a gypsum board when it is exposed to fire.The addition of microsilica to a gypsum board recipe changes the way the gypsum crystals react to heat, this results in significant reduction of shrinkage and retaining the core strength of the gypsum boards.

The addition of microsilica in all construction materialsconcrete, fiber cement and gypsum boards – enables the achievement of the best performance levels for advanced building structures. Elkem, the world’s leading manufacturer of silica fume concrete admixtures, offers the full range of benefits that builders need and that regulators demand.

Understanding the physical principles of Elkem MICROSILICA® in gypsum board

The incredibly fine microsilica particles disperse quickly and efficiently into the gypsum board mix. They surround the gypsum crystals and delay the changes in the crystals form that normally occurs with fire. These changes results in significant shrinkage and board collapse.

Silicon-based materials for construction


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 920 is a dry silica fume powder used as a filler and reactive pozzolan in construction materials, to improve fire performance and overall durability, available in two forms, Undensified (U) and Densified (D).

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 940 is a dry silica fume powder. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications

EMSAC® 500

EMSAC® 500 is an aqueous suspension of ELKEM MICROSILICA®. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications



ELKEM MICROSILICA® Slurry (EMSAC® 500E), an aqueous suspension of microsilica compliant with EN 13263.
Product data sheet slurry concrete applications


MICROWHITE®, a high purity microsilica for construction applications featuring purity, consistent properties and lightness of color.
Product data sheet microwhite concrete applications


GROUTAID® is a specially formulated additive to increase the efficiency of injection grouting by improving both flowability and hardening for injection into soils and cracks in concrete and stone.
Product data sheet groutaid applications

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Microsilica in Gypsum Board  Whitepaper

The use of ELKEM MICROSILICA® in fire-resistant gypsum board.

Learn more about which product characteristics have the most beneficial and cost-effective impact in the production of gypsum board.

Sustainability and safety built into gypsum board

Elkem MICROSILICA®, the original and market-leading silica fume, was introduced in the 1980s and has constantly been improved and diversified to meet new operational needs and comply with changing regulatory requirements.

Elkem works collaboratively with customers to determine their evolving needs, driving our R&D and working with experts in leading academic and research institutes. This approach enables us to constantly innovate and meet new operational needs, while complying with changing regulatory requirements.

Internally, our manufacturing processes continue to incorporate more renewable energy sources that generate less carbon emissions. Most of our manufacturing facilities now use hydroelectric power and we are actively exploring the integration of renewable energies. Elkem has committed more widely to sustainability with an ongoing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy that is regularly reviewed, updated and implemented.

Read more about sustainability at Elkem:

ESG report 2023

Shaping a better and more sustainable future



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