- Elkem
- Mobilité et transport
- Pneus et systèmes de sécurité
- Tire release
Silicone for a secure tire release and durable bladder life
Release agents and coatings for tire manufacturing

Elkem’s LYNDCOAT™: Revolutionizing Tire Production
Elkem is a major global provider of release solutions for the tire industry during the tire curing step. Our LYNDCOAT™ tire release product range delivers the lowest total operational costs.
The Importance of Tire Curing and Release Agents
Tire curing is the last step in tire production. All the value added into your product during compounding, mixing, component preparation and tire building is lost if the curing step is not successful in delivering a defect free tire that can go straight to the market and needs to be scrapped.
In tire curing, low defect rates are the key factor to improve productivity. Defect rates tend to be high when tire producers use low performing release agents in tire curing. A high-performance release agent must insure the creation of a continuous protective release film on the bladder. This film forms a durable barrier between the bladder and the uncured tire that will prevent any sticking of the uncured rubber to the bladder surface.
The release film on the bladder surface must also provide a high level of slip during the numerous release cycles that the bladder must resist. This is to ensure perfect centering of the bladder inside the tire to deliver optimum tire uniformity. During operation, an excellent slip performance further allows to avoid excessive bladder stretching, and the related pinched and folded (buckled) bladder defects.
Air trapped between the inflating bladder and the green tire will cause defects on the inner liner layer. For this purpose, the capacity of the release agent to promote the evacuation of the air is important for low defect rates.
Bladders should be kept as fresh as possible during operation with little alteration of the surface during successive curing cycles. The release agent plays an important role by protecting the surface and keeping the bladder rubber fresh by reducing oxidation and abrasion.
A high-performance release agent must allow for the lowest buildup possible on the spray & curing equipment and provide for clean cured tires.
After tire cure, the release agent should ease optical inspection of the cured tires in final finishing & quality control.
The Role of LYNDCOAT™ in Enhancing Tire Production Efficiency
All these advantages put together will strongly reduce scrap and press down time in tire production thereby improving the operational results of the tire factory.
Elkem offers a comprehensive LYNDCOAT™ tire release agent range that will cover your needs while providing the lowest total cost of operation.

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