- Elkem
- Durabilité
- Commitment and ratings
Commitment and ratings

Elkem is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and apply sustainability in line with the principles of the UN Global Compact. Elkem is committed to develop its business in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement. Elkem is also committed to following the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Business.
Elkem is committed to comply with international regulatory requirements and provides safety data sheets (SDS) for all its products in accordance with the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) or its national implementations.

A message from our CEO
Comment, commitment and overview from the CEO, from the 2024 annual report.
ESG ratings
Elkem is regularly assessed by rating organisations on our ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) performance. These ratings are used by key stakeholders, such as customers and investors, to evaluate Elkem’s performance in accordance with their expectations. Expert assessments on our sustainability performance and good rankings in sustainability indexes are important tools for us. It makes us able to continuously improve our business and organisation.
We are proud to have been rated amongst the best performers in several climate and sustainability ratings.*
Elkem received a platinum rating from Ecovadis, the world’s trusted business sustainability rankings, ranking at top 1% of evaluated companies worldwide. Read more
Elkem has been recognised for transparency and actions on climate change, deforestation and water management for 2024:
CDP Climate: A-
CDP Forests: A
CDP Water: A-
Elkem is certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner, for participating in the Nasdaq’s ESG Data Portal. The portal provides ESG and financial data to support sustainable investments in the Nordic markets. Read more
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