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Silicon-based materials technical datasheets (TDS)

Silicon-based materials for construction


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 920 is a dry silica fume powder used as a filler and reactive pozzolan in construction materials, to improve fire performance and overall durability, available in two forms, Undensified (U) and Densified (D).

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications


ELKEM MICROSILICA® 940 is a dry silica fume powder. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet concrete applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications

EMSAC® 500

EMSAC® 500 is an aqueous suspension of ELKEM MICROSILICA®. It is a key ingredient in many construction materials. In use, it acts physically as a filler and chemically as a highly reactive pozzolan.

Product data sheet gypsum board applications

Product data sheet fibre cement applications



ELKEM MICROSILICA® Slurry (EMSAC® 500E), an aqueous suspension of microsilica compliant with EN 13263.
Product data sheet slurry concrete applications


MICROWHITE®, a high purity microsilica for construction applications featuring purity, consistent properties and lightness of color.
Product data sheet microwhite concrete applications


GROUTAID® is a specially formulated additive to increase the efficiency of injection grouting by improving both flowability and hardening for injection into soils and cracks in concrete and stone.
Product data sheet groutaid applications

Safety data sheet and technical data sheet

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Silicon based materials for refractories​

Elkem Microsilica® 971

The ELKEM MICROSILICA® 971 product, a high quality, purpose-made, low-impurity grade, for versatile applications in refractories, available in densified (D) or undensified (U) form, to be used in advanced refractory products such as self-flowing, low, ultra-low and no-cement castables.
Product data sheet

Elkem Microsilica® HQ

The Elkem Microsilica® HQ product is a cost-effective alternative for low cement castables, with controlled and stable chemical composition, based on low alkalis and higher reactivity.

Product data sheet

Elkem Microsilica® 968

The ELKEM MICROSILICA® 968 product, a cost-effective alternative for low cement castables, featuring a controlled and stable chemical composition.
Product data sheet

Elkem Microsilica® 955

The Elkem Microsilica® 955 product, a medium-quality grade silica fume with tight specification limits based on in-process control, resulting in higher silica content and reduced impurities.
Product data sheet


Designed for microsilica-containing LCC and ULCC, based on Al2O3 - SiO2 system with quick wet-out and low water demand.

Product data sheet


Designed to act as an accelerator in undispersed aluminosilicate systems like dry gunning LCC and ULCC mixes without clay.

Product data sheet



 Designed for microsilica-gel bonded systems (NCC) to control the working and demoulding time and to develop high green-strength at room temperature.

Product data sheet


Designed to work as a multi-functional microsilica dispersant, for aluminosilicate LCC, ULCC and NCC, giving customers freedom to fine-tune their products with other additives (accelerators, retarders, etc.). It enhances the rheological properties, reduces the water demand and increases the flow. Suitable also for shotcreting.

By combining both SioxX®-Flow and SioxX®-Set products, setting can be controlled. SioxX®-Flow product will also work in combination with Silica-Sol (colloidal silica) in NCC to control flow, working and setting time.When used in silica-sol systems a separate gelling agent needs to be added.

Product data sheet


Designed for undispersed systems mainly for NC gunning mixes. Can also be used for LC and ULC gunning. In castables and shotcrete (dispersed systems) SioxX®-Set can be used as accelerating agent.

Product data sheet


SioxX®-Ten / SioxX®-Ten PLUS

SioxX®- Ten and SioxX®- Ten PLUS are primarily designed for ultra low cement alumina-based or microsilica-gel bonded no-cement castables.
SioxX®- Ten mainly works at the range of 800-1100ºC, while SioxX®- Ten PLUS is recommended to work at the range of 600-900ºC.
Both of them enhance the rheological properties, reduce the water demand, increase the flow, control the working and de-moulding time, help develop high green strength as well as high strength at the indicated working range of temperature.

Product data sheet

SioxX® Mag

Designed for basic (MgO-based) refractory castables, to help avoid inherent problems of crack formation and poor workability. For advice how to best use our Specialties, contact our competent technical staff.

Product data sheet

BOCAREPS™ (Boron carbide)

Boron carbide (B4C) is a dark grey–black material comprising 76.5–78 wt% boron, with an exceptional hardness that is only exceeded by diamond and cubic boron nitride.

Product Data Sheet

Fusireps™ FS-99

Fused silica FS-99 is obtained by melting a high purity form of silica by electrical fusion and cooling the melt sufficiently fast to avoid crystallization (amorphous Silica). Afterwards it is classified in different grades.

Product data sheet

Safety data sheet and technical data sheet

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Silicon based materials for polymer additive

Elkem SIDISTAR™ products


SIDISTAR™ T120 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ T120U is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ M220ST01 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ Master-Batch series are designed to provide you with easy dispersibility of Sidistar® in thermoplastics.
Product data sheet

Elkem additive products

These are two of our main products for coatings:


SIDISHIELD™ C25 is a specially designed light-coloured coating additive consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISHIELD™ C30 ST01 XP is a surface modified, light-coloured, coating additive. It is an inert (non-reactive) additive with submicron spherical particles of amorphous (non-crystalline) silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet

Here is a non-exhaustive list of our product offering for rubber compounds and elastomers


SIDISTAR™ R300 is a specially designed grey-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320U is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ M220ST01 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ XP320ST69 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of surface modified spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet

SIDISHIELD™ additive for coatings


SIDISHIELD™ C25 is a specially designed light-coloured coating additive consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet

SIDISTAR™ product for rubber compounds:


SIDISTAR™ R300 is a specially designed grey-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ R320U is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ M220ST01 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ XP320ST69 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of surface modified spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ Master-Batch series are designed to provide you with easy dispersibility of Sidistar® in thermoplastics. Sidistar® MB F21 contains 50 % of SIDISTAR™ T120U in an ethylene acrylate carrier.
Product data sheet

SIDISTAR™ product in thermoplastics


SIDISTAR™ T100 is a specially designed grey-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, sub-micron, particles of silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ T120 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ T120U is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ M220ST01 is a specially designed light-coloured process modifier consisting of spherical, submicron particles of amorphous silicon dioxide.
Product data sheet


SIDISTAR™ Master-Batch series are designed to provide you with easy dispersibility of Sidistar® in thermoplastics.



SiLLOYTM  is a family of refined silicon products with controlled iron and very low levels of calcium and phosphorus. It is normally used as an alloying material for aluminium, but is also used in several other industrial applications.

Product Data Sheet



Metallurgical Silicon 

Metallurgical Silicon is ladle refined Silicon of minimum 99%* purity. It is highly versatile and is used as alloying material to aluminium metal and as raw material in both silicone production and production of high purity silicon (solar and electronic) and other industrial applications.

Product Data Sheet

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