Investor relations policy
This investor relations policy (the “IR Policy”) apply to Elkem ASA (“Elkem” or the “Company”, and together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Group”) and is based on Oslo Børs' rules, regulations and recommendations for listed companies, in particular the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR, last amended 2021 (the “IR Code”).

Elkem’s investor relations activities shall comply with applicable rules and regulations including the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, the Norwegian Accounting Act and Oslo Børs’ continuing obligations for listed companies. The Company’s IR Policy shall also comply with relevant recommendations including the IR Code as amended from time to time.
This IR Policy shall help Elkem build trust and awareness in the investor community by ensuring that investor relations activities are conducted in compliance with relevant rules, regulations and recommended practices.
The IR Policy shall help ensure that Elkem provides prompt, accurate, timely and fair disclosure of relevant information to the financial community in an appropriate manner. Communication with the stakeholders will be based on the principles of equal treatment and transparency.
Good relations and an open, active dialogue with shareholders, potential investors, analysts and other participants in the capital markets shall build trust and contribute to reduced costs of capital for Elkem.
Elkem's IR activities shall be conducted by Elkem’s IR team, consisting of the CEO, the CFO and the Head of IR. The IR team is responsible for all day-to-day contact with Elkem’s shareholders on behalf of the Company.
All communication with shareholders shall be on an equal treatment basis and in compliance with applicable laws and regulation. Elkem shall continuously provide its shareholders, Oslo Børs and the financial markets in general with timely and precise information about Elkem and its operations.
Elkem will provide information to the financial markets through public disclosures, meetings, presentations, handling incoming inquiries and the corporate web site. All communication will be in accordance with statutory requirements and relevant IR recommendations. Inside information shall be dealt with in compliance with the Company’s Instruction for handling of inside information.
Public disclosures include annual reports, interim reports, press releases, stock exchange announcements and company presentations. All relevant information shall be published on the Group's website,
Elkem shall offer subscription service for stock exchange announcements and press releases.
Disclosure and reporting to the financial markets and contact with shareholders, investors and analysts shall be based on the following main principles:
Compliance with laws and regulations: All disclosure, communication and reporting shall be in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations from time to time, in particular the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, the Norwegian Accounting Act and Oslo Børs’ continuing obligations for listed companies. Elkem shall also comply with the relevant recommendations and market practices for reporting financial and other IR information.
Inside information: Unless exceptions apply and are invoked, Elkem shall promptly disclose all inside information (as defined by the Norwegian Securities Trading Act).
Language: All financial and other IR information shall be published in English.
Company information: Elkem shall publish accurate and relevant information about its historical earnings, operations, outlook and any other information that is deemed as significant and relevant for the valuation of the company. Such information shall be balanced and consistent over time.
Guiding: Elkem shall not publish specific guiding on the Group's future financial results.
Management will strive to participate regularly in meetings with international and domestic investors, analysts and media representatives, based on demand and Company initiative, in order to raise awareness of, and create interest in Elkem. To help promote this goal, the following meetings and presentations shall be held:
Financial reporting
Elkem will host open presentations in connection with releasing financial reports. The presentation material will be published simultaneously with the financial report and made available on
The presentations shall be available via webcast on
Interim reports shall be published within 45 days after the end of the reporting period. Annual reports shall be published within 4 months after the end of the financial year.
Elkem will publish an annual financial calendar with an overview of dates for financial reporting and other key events on and
Investor and analyst meetings
Elkem shall hold regular meetings with investors and analysts. The communication will be in compliance with applicable statutory requirements and the principle of equal treatment. The meetings will be attended by appointed company spokespersons.
Capital Markets Day
Elkem will consider hosting a Capital Markets Day when appropriate to keep the market up to date on development, strategy and outlook. Capital market days will be open to all who wish to attend, and the presentations will be made available on
Conferences, seminars, symposia, etc.
Representatives from Elkem’s management will participate in various conferences and seminars where relevant. All relevant presentations held by the Group’s management will be published on
Investor and analyst meetings shall not be held in the last three weeks prior to the presentation of results. In the same period, no comments shall be made to the media or other external parties regarding the Group's earnings and outlook.
Elkem ASA shall comply with relevant regulations for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Elkem ASA will comply with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of 1 March 2021
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