- Elkem
- Sustainability
- Environmental

As a process industry company, our environmental footprint is important to us, and we pay particular attention to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Converting quartz to silicon is a high-temperature smelting process that consumes vast amounts of energy. The production process itself uses carbon sources like fossil coal, charcoal and wood chips as a reductant in the chemical conversion giving emissions of CO₂, NOₓ, SO₂ and dust. The emission of CO₂ is inherent to the process and cannot be fully removed with today’s technology.
Elkem’s environmental policy is integrated in the company's general policy. Key points are to prioritise health, safety and environment (HSE) and to strive to be an environmentally conscious company.
Elkem’s HSE efforts are based on a zero-harm philosophy. When it comes to the environment, this means running operations with resource-efficient processes to minimise negative environmental impacts throughout the value chain.
Climate change mitigation and managing GHG emissions
Elkem’s ambition is to reduce the company’s fossil CO₂ footprint by increasing the use of renewable carbon sources and developing innovative production processes. The company endorses the Paris agreement's intention to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees.
Our strategy to reduce fossil CO₂ from silicon alloy production has three pillars: Increasing material and energy efficiency, replacing fossil carbon with bio-carbon and developing new carbon neutral smelting technology, as illustrated below.
Elkem's climate targets are to
- Reduce our absolute emissions in scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (indirect) with 28% by 2031.
- Reduce the product carbon footprint by 39% by 2031.
- Long term goal is to be net zero by 2050.
- Grow our market share in the green transition towards 2030
- Enable more circular economies.
What is Elkem’s climate strategy and ambitions?
Energy management
Energy efficiency and sustainable sourcing of energy is of utmost importance to secure energy supply while at the same time reducing Elkem's GHG footprint. Energy management includes energy consumption, energy recovery and energy efficiency. The regulatory framework, which consists of permits, taxes and support in the form of public grants, substantiates the importance of increased focus on energy efficiency.
Elkem's energy targets are to
- Increase energy recovery every year
- Recover energy through our project in Salten
Waste management
Elimination of waste is one of Elkem’s key strategies for successful operations and is mentioned specifically in Elkem’s General Policy. This applies to all kinds of waste throughout the value chain with a high focus on efficient utilisation of all resources, reduction of waste generation in the different production, transportation, and storage processes and on reuse, recycling or sales of residual waste. All physical waste streams have a value, and it is our goal to realise that value and avoid disposal or destruction. Any residual waste left after other efforts is disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Waste management includes activities of reuse, recycle, transport and disposal of waste.
Water management
As a leading producer of large volumes of high-quality silicon based products, we acknowledge the importance of stewarding water as a shared resource.
As a fully integrated value chain for the production of silicon and silicones, Elkem has several interphases with water-related impacts. The challenges are different both through the value chain and across the actual regions. At some of our sites, both water scarcity and potential impact on river basins and ecosystems are recognised. All key environmental impacts are identified and documented with measurements showing performance compared to permits given by government authorities where Elkem operates, and/or improvement targets set by Elkem.
Elkem's water targets are:
- Full water discharge permit compliance: No significant spills to water
- Zero spills of D4/D5.

Community involvement and dialogue
Our stakeholder dialogue is based on respect for individuals, society, and the environment. Maintaining contact with the various stakeholders helps Elkem understand the role we play in local communities and society at large, as well as building long term, mutual trust.
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